Tag: Kripton Persistence Library

Abubusoft Blog

Kripton release 7

It was quite a long time ago when I start to develop this release. The features were introduced: Core module Add support for java.time classes introduced with Java 8: now it is possible to persist field of type LocalDateTime, LocalDate etc, without define any custom TypeAdapter. Some bug fixing Orm module Add support for java.time…
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Kripton v.7 – work in progress

I’m not disappeared. I’m still here. I’m working on version 7 of Kripton Persistence Library. The main feature will be the support to SQLCipher, so you will be able to crypt your database! To bring this feature to Kripton, all generated data source will work with androidx.sqlite.db.SupportSQLiteDatabase. Kripton 7 have to say goodbye to android.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.…
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from StackOverflow: update some specific field of an entity

I take an old answer about the Room usage from stack overflow. The original post is: I am using android room persistence library for my new project. I want to update some field of the table. I have tried like in my Dao – But when I try to update using this method then it updates every…
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Kripton ORM: how to generate content provider – example 2

Kripton ORM has a lot of features and simplifies a lot the developer life. If your application needs to expose its database with a content provider, in most case you have to write it. I have already written on this feature, so if you didn’t read it, I suggest you read this post too. Today I take…
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Kripton ORM: reusable generic base DAO interface

This post was inspired by the following question from StackOverflow: Reusable generic base class DAOs with Android Room. I reuse the original question and I try to approach the problem with Kripton. Room’s approach avoids using an ancestor interface for DAO interface to define for the SELECT operations. A parent DAO interface can be used only to define operationINSERT/UPDATE/DELETE but…
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Kripton and SQLite: generate an SQLite based content provider

One of the key features of Kripton ORM is the capability to generate an SQLite content provider starting from a data source definition. More information about Content Provider can found here. Suppose we have in our application a music data source so defined: In this data source, there are Artist and Album entities. Every entity got its DAO interface.…
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Kripton ORM: how to store byte arrays

Stackoverflow is always a good place to get ideas to write posts. Today I answer to this question. The original question is about using Room Library. But I want to change the question: how can I persist a byte array using Kripton ORM Library? With kripton, you can easily manage byte[] fields. Just to show…
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Log SQL operations with Kripton Persistence Library

As I have already said in other posts, StackOverflow is a good place where find interesting ideas for writing a post. Some days ago I found the following post: Android Room Database DAO debug log The question was: is there a way to log SQL queries with Room library? The answer was no. And with…
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Kripton Persistence – v.6.0.0

Bug Just some hours ago, Kripton Persistence Library v.6.0.0. You can check the source code on github/xcesco/kripton, as usual.The release notes: [KRIPTON-294] – parentEntity does not work with id with alias [KRIPTON-301] – Sometimes java.lang.IllegalStateException: attempt to re-open an already-closed object #14 [KRIPTON-302] – Rename DateMillisecondsTypeAdapter in DateTime2LongTypeAdapter and DateMillisecondsTypeAdapter into Date2LongTypeAdapter #13 [KRIPTON-303] – Table alias…
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