Tag: Java

Abubusoft Blog

Kripton v.7 – work in progress

I’m not disappeared. I’m still here. I’m working on version 7 of Kripton Persistence Library. The main feature will be the support to SQLCipher, so you will be able to crypt your database! To bring this feature to Kripton, all generated data source will work with androidx.sqlite.db.SupportSQLiteDatabase. Kripton 7 have to say goodbye to android.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.…
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Interesting site: Heroku

I was looking for a host site to deploy my Java web application. I found https://www.heroku.com/. It has an interesting pricing to make some experiments: it’s free.

JHipster: a glue to develop modern web application with Angular/React and SpringFramework

JHipster is a complete suite of frameworks and libraries to develop a modern web application. It uses Angular and React to build front-end and Java Spring framework. It can be very useful if you need to develop a CRUD application in a short time. Some links (some of them are in Italian): https://www.jhipster.tech/ https://www.baeldung.com/jhipster http://www.mokabyte.it/2016/09/jhipster-1/…
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