Tag: android

Abubusoft Blog

Kripton release 7

It was quite a long time ago when I start to develop this release. The features were introduced: Core module Add support for java.time classes introduced with Java 8: now it is possible to persist field of type LocalDateTime, LocalDate etc, without define any custom TypeAdapter. Some bug fixing Orm module Add support for java.time…
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Kripton v.7 – work in progress

I’m not disappeared. I’m still here. I’m working on version 7 of Kripton Persistence Library. The main feature will be the support to SQLCipher, so you will be able to crypt your database! To bring this feature to Kripton, all generated data source will work with androidx.sqlite.db.SupportSQLiteDatabase. Kripton 7 have to say goodbye to android.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.…
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Goodbye OpenGL, welcome Vulkan!

Some of my Android works is OpenGL ES 2.0 based. In the last time, I focused on other technologies and apps. OpenGL ES 2.0 is one of my favourites libraries, but I have to admit that it has some limitations, first of all, the constraint to be executed only on a single thread. Nowadays, with…
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Just some useful links about certificate pinning on Android

For my job, I was looking for some good article about certificate pinning on Android devices. I found these: https://medium.com/@appmattus/android-security-ssl-pinning-1db8acb6621e https://www.netguru.com/codestories/3-ways-how-to-implement-certificate-pinning-on-android If you don’t know what it is Certificate Pinning: Pinning is the process of associating a host with their expected X509 certificate or public key. Once a certificate or public key is known or seen for a host, the certificate or…
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