Category: Kripton Persistence Library

Abubusoft Blog

Log SQL operations with Kripton Persistence Library

As I have already said in other posts, StackOverflow is a good place where find interesting ideas for writing a post. Some days ago I found the following post: Android Room Database DAO debug log The question was: is there a way to log SQL queries with Room library? The answer was no. And with…
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Kripton Persistence – v.6.0.0

Bug Just some hours ago, Kripton Persistence Library v.6.0.0. You can check the source code on github/xcesco/kripton, as usual.The release notes: [KRIPTON-294] – parentEntity does not work with id with alias [KRIPTON-301] – Sometimes java.lang.IllegalStateException: attempt to re-open an already-closed object #14 [KRIPTON-302] – Rename DateMillisecondsTypeAdapter in DateTime2LongTypeAdapter and DateMillisecondsTypeAdapter into Date2LongTypeAdapter #13 [KRIPTON-303] – Table alias…
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